Quick-Hits: List 25 newest scripts in Microsoft Script Repository

This is a just a quick script to query the rss feed of the Microsoft Script Repository for the newest 25 scripts that have been uploaded.  Just 4 lines of code to get this accomplished, which is yet another reason why PowerShell is just so awesome. Smile I am once again using the System.Net.WebClient class to make the web site call and download the source code while also using the [XML] accelerator to read the xml data that I downloaded. For more information about what I did with the System.Net.WebClient class, see this post.

Example from March 4,2011




Function Get-ScriptRepositoryNewest {
    Retrieves the 25 newest scripts from the Microsoft Script Repository 
    Retrieves the 25 newest scripts from the Microsoft Script Repository
    Name: Get-ScriptRepositoryNewest 
    Author: Boe Prox 
    DateCreated: 04Mar2011         
Retrieves the 25 newest scripts from the Microsoft Script Repository 
$url = "http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/site/feeds/searchRss?sortBy=date"
$web = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$rss = [xml]$web.downloadString($url)
$rss.rss.channel.item | Select Title, Author, Link, Description
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