WSUS Administrator Module

This has been a few months in the making to get what I think is a decent build of my WSUS Administrator Module.  My goal with this module was to make something that provided enough use for most aspects of WSUS administration.  With that, I have put together 40 advanced functions that provide access to various parts of WSUS.  Some of these are commands to query different parts of wsus, such as clients, updates, server configurations, etc…  Other parts allow for making configuration changes or approving/disapproving updates, creating or removing Target groups and adding/removing clients from Target groups.  Some of the commands, such as ones that approve/decline updates, adds/removes a group, etc… have the whatif and confirm capabilities so you can verify that everything will happen as intended.

I have spent the last week testing it and working out all of the bugs, but most likely there are still some quirks here and there.  I would appreciate any comments, both positive and negative as anything said will help to make the next version of this module better.  I already have a list of probably 4 or 5 things that I want to add to this module for the next version.

So without further ado, I will walk through a few of the basic things in my module…

Importing the module

IMPORTANT!! You must have the WSUS Administrator Console installed on whichever computer that you will be running this function from. Download available here.

Be sure to save the module off as a .psm1 file so you can run the Import-Module cmdlet. Once you import the module, it will display a message telling you a couple of things that you can do to get started. I modeled this after the PowerCLI module as it seemed like a pretty good idea to show a couple of key things such as finding all of the commands available and how to make the initial connection to the server.


Available Commands

As I said before, I currently have 40 available advanced functions to perform a variety of tasks in WSUS. Below is a list of the commands:


Making Initial Connection to WSUS Server

To make the initial connection to the WSUS server, use the Connect-WSUSServer function. This will allow you to use the other advanced functions that are available within this module.


Now that the connection has been made, we can begin looking at a couple of commands that will probably be getting a fair amount of use.

Viewing Updates

The Get-WSUSUpdates advanced function will grab all of the updates, so be careful using it as it may take a while to grab every update. Using the following command, I can pull the first 5 updates.

Get-WSUSUpdates | Select -first 5 | Select Title, KnowledgeBaseArticles, UpdateClassificationTitle


If you want to look for a specific update, you can use Get-WSUSUpdate to accomplish this. This works much faster and is more helpful for filtering for specific updates.

Get-WSUSUpdate -Update "819639"


WSUS Target Groups

You can view the current WSUS Target groups using the Get-WSUSGroups function.


Creating a new WSUS Target group is as simple as using the New-WSUSGroup command.

New-WSUSGroup -Group "NewWSUSGroup"


And removing a group using Remove-WSUSGroup.

Remove-WSUSGroup -Name "NewWSUSGroup"


Approving and Declining WSUS Updates

There are a couple of ways to both approve and decline updates within this module.  The first way is supplying a string value and have the command search for and approve/decline the updates.

For approving and update, you have a few other things that are required in order make the approval successful.  The first is to supply a group that the update will be approved for. Second, you must provide an Action type  for the update approval, typically “Install”.  The third and not a required option is to provide a deadline for the update.

Approve-WSUSUpdate -Group "Domain Servers" -Update "819639" -Action Install


Declining is much easier and only requires the update string to be entered.

Deny-WSUSUpdate  -Update "819639"


Besides using the string method, both the Approve-WSUSUpdate and Deny-WSUSUpdate accepts input via the pipeline and allows you to use objects as well.  So combining the Get-WSUSUpdate or Get-WSUSUpdates with the approving or declining of updates will work just as well.

Get-WSUSUpdate -Update "819639" | Approve-WSUSUpdate -Group "Domain Servers" -Action Install


Get-WSUSUpdate -Update "819639" | Deny-WSUSUpdate


WSUS Synchronization

I have a few advanced functions that work with synchronization, such as pulling synchronization events with Get-WSUSSyncHistory, starting a manual synchronization with Start-WSUSSync and finding the current status of a synchronization using Get-WSUSSyncProgress.

Get-WSUSSyncHistory | select -first 1






There is a parameter switch with Get-WSUSSyncProgress and Start-WSUSSync called ‘monitor’ which starts a background job that will alert you with a popup message stating that the synchronization has been completed.

This module is available for download from both the Script Repository and at Poshcode along with the code being available below.

Script Repository


Currently, the code I submitted to PoshCode appears to be getting truncated.  I left some feedback asking about this and am waiting on a reply. I will try again to re-post the code and see if it works, and if so, I will remove this message.

21NOV2010: Updated code for Connect-WSUSServer to allow for adding what port you want to connect to on the WSUS Server in case the server was configured for a port other than the default ports.

Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host "`t`tWSUS Administrator Module 1.0"
Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host -nonewline "Make initial connection to WSUS Server:`t"
Write-Host -fore Yellow "Connect-WSUSServer"
Write-Host -nonewline "Disconnect from WSUS Server:`t`t"
Write-Host -fore Yellow "Disconnect-WSUSServer"
Write-Host -nonewline "List all available commands:`t`t"
Write-Host -fore Yellow "Get-WSUSCommands"
Write-Host "`n"

function Get-WSUSCommands {
    Lists all WSUS functions available from this module.
    Lists all WSUS functions available from this module.    
    Name: Get-WSUSCommand
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 18Oct2010 

This command lists all of the available WSUS commands in the module.      
Param () 

#List all WSUS functions available
Get-Command *WSUS*  -CommandType Function  | Sort-Object Name

function Connect-WSUSServer {
    Retrieves the last check-in times of clients on WSUS.
    Retrieves the last check-in times of clients on WSUS. You will need to run this on a machine that
    has the WSUS Administrator console installed.
    Name of WSUS server to query against.          
    Determines if a secure connection will be used to connect to the WSUS server. If not used, then a non-secure
    connection will be used.    
    Port number if default ports 80 and 443 not used    
    Name: Get-LastCheckIn
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Connect-WSUSServer -wsusserver "server1"

This command will make the connection to the WSUS using an unsecure port (Default:80).
Connect-WSUSServer -wsusserver "server1"  -secure 

This command will make a secure connection (Default: 443) to a WSUS server.   
Connect-WSUSServer -wsusserver "server1" -port 8560

This command will make the connection to the WSUS using a defined port 8560.  
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'wsus',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'port',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
#Load required assemblies            
#Make connection to WSUS server 
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Attempting connection to WSUS Server: $($wsusserver)"   
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
Try {
    If ($secure) {
        Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "wsus" {
                $Global:wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$True)
                $Wsus | Select Name, Version,PortNumber
            "port" {
                $Global:wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$True,$port)
                $Wsus | Select Name, Version,PortNumber                
    Else {
        Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "wsus" {
                $Global:wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$False)
                $Wsus | Select Name, Version,PortNumber
            "port" {
                $Global:wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$False,$port)
                $Wsus | Select Name, Version,PortNumber                
Catch {
    Write-Error "Unable to connect to $($wsusserver)!`n$($error[0])"

function Disconnect-WSUSServer {
    Disconnects session against WSUS server.
    Disconnects session against WSUS server.
    Name: Disconnect-WSUSServer
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 27Oct2010 

This command will disconnect the session to the WSUS server.  
Param () 
#Disconnect WSUS session by removing the variable   
Remove-Variable -Name wsus -Force

function Get-WSUSClients {
    Retrieves a list of all of the clients in WSUS.
    Retrieves a list of all of the clients in WSUS.  
    Name: Get-WSUSClients
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will list every client in WSUS.  
Param () 
#Gather all computers in WSUS    

function Start-WSUSSync {
    Start synchronization on WSUS server.
    Start synchronization on WSUS server.
    Starts a synchronization and runs a background job to monitor currently running content download and 
    notifies user when completed.         
    Name: Start-WSUSSync
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will begin a manual sychronization on WSUS with the defined update source. 
Start-WSUSSync -monitor

This command will begin a manual synchronization on WSUS and will begin a background job that will notifiy via
pop-up message when the synchronization has completed.      
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'monitor',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
Param (
        Mandatory = $False,
        Position = 0,
        ParameterSetName = 'monitor',
        ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
$sub = $wsus.GetSubscription()    
$sync = $sub.GetSynchronizationProgress()    
If ($monitor) {
    #Stop and remove any jobs for SyncMonitoring
    $jobs = Get-Job | ? {$_.Name -eq "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor"}
    If ($jobs) {
        $jobs | Stop-Job
        $jobs | Remove-Job
    #Start WSUS synchronization
    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {
            "Synchronization have been started."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        Start-Job -Name "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor" -ArgumentList $sync -ScriptBlock {
            Param (
            #Load required assemblies for message window    
            [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“System.Windows.Forms”)                        
            While ($sync.Phase -ne "NotProcessing") {
            [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Synchronization has been completed on WSUS",”Information”)            
            } | Out-Null
Else {
    #Start WSUS synchronization
    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {
        "Synchronization have been started."

function Stop-WSUSSync {
    Stops a currently running WSUS sync.
    Stops a currently running WSUS sync.
    Name: Stop-WSUSSync
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will stop a currently running WSUS synchronization.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'update',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
$sub = $wsus.GetSubscription()      
#Cancel synchronization running on WSUS       
If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {
    "Synchronization have been cancelled."

function Get-WSUSSyncHistory {
    Retrieves the synchronization history of the WSUS server.
    Retrieves the synchronization history of the WSUS server.    
    Name: Get-WSUSSyncHistory 
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will list out the entire synchronization history of the WSUS server.  
Param () 

$sub = $wsus.GetSubscription()

function Get-WSUSSyncProgress {
    Displays the current progress of a WSUS synchronization.
    Displays the current progress of a WSUS synchronization. 
    Runs a background job to monitor currently running synchonization and notifies user when completed.      
    Name: Get-WSUSSyncProgress
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will show you the current status of the WSUS sync.
Get-WSUSSyncProgress -monitor     

This command will begin a background job that will notify you when the WSUS synchronization
has been completed.
Param (
        Mandatory = $False,
        Position = 0,
        ParameterSetName = 'monitor',
        ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
$sub = $wsus.GetSubscription()    
If ($monitor) {
    $job = Get-Job
    If ($job) {
        $job = Get-Job -Name "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor"
    If ($job) {
        Get-Job -Name "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor" | Stop-Job
        Get-Job -Name "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor" | Remove-Job
    Start-Job -Name "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor" -ArgumentList $sub -ScriptBlock {
        Param (
        #Load required assemblies for message window    
        [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“System.Windows.Forms”)                        
        While (($sub.GetSynchronizationProgress()).Phase -ne "NotProcessing") {
        [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Synchronization has been completed on WSUS",”Information”)            
        } | Out-Null 
Else {
    #Gather all child servers in WSUS    

function Get-WSUSEvents {
    Retrieves all WSUS events.
    Retrieves all WSUS events from the WSUS server.  
    Name: Get-WSUSEvents
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will show you all of the WSUS events.
Param () 

$sub = $wsus.GetSubscription()

function Get-WSUSGroups {
    Retrieves all of the WSUS Target Groups.
    Retrieves all of the WSUS Target Groups.    
    Name: Get-WSUSGroups
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will list out all of the WSUS Target groups and their respective IDs.
Param () 

function Get-WSUSServer {
    Retrieves connection and configuration information from the WSUS server.
    Retrieves connection and configuration information from the WSUS server. 
.PARAMETER Configuration
    Lists more configuration information from WSUS Server      
    Name: Get-WSUSServer
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will display basic information regarding the WSUS server.
Get-WSUSServer -configuration      

This command will list out more detailed information regarding the configuration of the WSUS server.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'wsus',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'wsus',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
If ($configuration) {
Else {

function Get-WSUSUpdates {
    Retrieves all of the updates from a WSUS server.
    Retrieves all of the updates from a WSUS server.   
    Name: Get-WSUSUpdates
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will list out every update that is in WSUS's database whether it has been approved or not.
Param () 

function Get-WSUSEmailConfig {
    Retrieves the email notification configuration from WSUS.
    Retrieves the email notification configuration from WSUS.
.PARAMETER SendTestEmail
    Optional switch that will send a test email to the configured email addresses        
    Name: Get-WSUSEmailConfig
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
This command will display the configuration of the email notifications.
Get-WSUSEmailConfig -SendTestEmail    

This command will send a test email to the address or addresses in the To field.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'wsus',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'wsus',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
$email = $wsus.GetEmailNotificationConfiguration()    
If ($SendTestEmail) {
    Write-Host -fore Green "Test email sent."
Else {

function Get-WSUSUpdateCategories {
    Retrieves the list of Update categories available from WSUS.
    Retrieves the list of Update categories available from WSUS.   
    Name: Get-WSUSUpdateCategories
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will list all of the categories for updates in WSUS.
Param () 

function Get-WSUSStatus {
    Retrieves a list of all updates and their statuses along with computer statuses.
    Retrieves a list of all updates and their statuses along with computer statuses.   
    Name: Get-WSUSStatus
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will display the status of the WSUS server along with update statuses.
Param () 


function Set-WSUSEmailConfig {
    Configures the email notifications on a WSUS server.
    Configures the email notifications on a WSUS server. It is important to note that the email address to send
    the emails to is Read-Only and can only be configured from the WSUS Admin Console. After the settings have been
    changed, the new configuration will be displayed.
.PARAMETER EmailLanguage
    What type of language to send the email in.          
.PARAMETER SenderDisplayName
    The friendly name of where the email is coming from.    
.PARAMETER SenderEmailAddress
    The senders email address
.PARAMETER SendStatusNotification
    Determines if an email will be sent for a status notification    
.PARAMETER SendSyncnotification
    Determines if an email will be sent after a sync by WSUS
    Server name of the smtp server to send email from
    Port number to be used to connect to smtp server to send email
.PARAMETER SmtpServerRequiresAuthentication
    Used if smtp server requires authentication
.PARAMETER SmtpUserName  
    Username to submit if required by smtp server
.PARAMETER StatusNotificationFrequency
    Frequency (Daily or Weekly) to send notifications
.PARAMETER StatusNotificationTimeOfDay
    Date/Time to send notifications
.PARAMETER UpdateServer
    Name of the WSUS update server
.PARAMETER SmtpPassword
    Password to user for smtp server connection.    
    Name: Set-WSUSEmailConfig
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Set-WSUSEmailConfig -SenderDisplayName "WSUSAdmin" -SenderEmailAddress ""

This command will change the sender name and email address for email notifications and then display the new settings.      
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'wsus',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 3,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 4,
            ParameterSetName = '',ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 5,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 6,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 7,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 8,
            ParameterSetName = 'account', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 9,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False, Position = 10,
            ParameterSetName = '', ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,Position = 11,
            ParameterSetName = '',ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,Position = 12,
            ParameterSetName = 'account',ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
#Configure Email Notifications
$email = $wsus.GetEmailNotificationConfiguration()
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
Try {
    If ($StatusNotificationTimeOfDay) {
        #Validate Notification Time of Day Parameter
        If (!([regex]::ismatch($StatusNotificationTimeOfDay,"^\d{2}:\d{2}$"))) {
            Write-Error "$($StatusNotificationTimeOfDay) is not a valid time to use!`nMust be 'NN:NN'"
        Else {                
            $email.StatusNotificationTimeOfDay = $StatusNotificationTimeOfDay
    If ($UpdateServer) {$email.UpdateServer = $UpdateServer}
    If ($EmailLanguage) {$email.EmailLanguage = $EmailLanguage}
    If ($SenderDisplayName) {$email.SenderDisplayName = $SenderDisplayName}
    If ($SenderEmailAddress) {
        #Validate Email Address Parameter
        If (!([regex]::ismatch($SenderEmailAddress,"^\w+@\w+\.com|mil|org|net$"))) {
            Write-Error "$($SenderEmailAddress) is not a valid email address!`nMust be ''"
        Else {                    
            $email.SenderEmailAddress = $SenderEmailAddress
    If ($SMTPHostname) {$email.SMTPHostname = $SMTPHostname}
    If ($SMTPPort) {$email.SMTPPort = $SMTPPort}
    If ($SmtpServerRequiresAuthentication) {$email.SmtpServerRequiresAuthentication = $SmtpServerRequiresAuthentication}
    If ($SmtpUserName) {$email.SmtpUserName = $SmtpUserName}
    If ($SmtpPassword) {$mail.SetSmtpUserPassword($SmtpPassword)}
    Switch ($StatusNotificationFrequency) {
        "Daily" {$email.StatusNotificationFrequency = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.EmailStatusNotificationFrequency]::Daily}
        "Weekly" {$email.StatusNotificationFrequency = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.EmailStatusNotificationFrequency]::Weekly}
        Default {$Null}
    Switch ($SendStatusNotification) {
        "True" {$email.SendStatusNotification = 1}
        "False" {$email.SendStatusNotification = 0}
        Default {$Null}
    Switch ($SendSyncNotification) {
        "True" {$email.SendSyncNotification = 1}
        "False" {$email.SendSyncNotification = 0}
        Default {$Null}
Catch {
    Write-Error "$($error[0])"
#Save Configuration Changes
Try {
    Write-Host -fore Green "Email settings changed"
Catch {
    Write-Error "$($error[0])"

function Convert-WSUSTargetGroup {
    Converts the WSUS group from ID to Name or Name to ID.
    Converts the WSUS group from ID to Name or Name to ID.
    GUID of the group to be converted to friendly name          
    Name of the group to be converted to a guid    
    Name: Convert-WSUSTargetGroup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Convert-WSUSTargetGroup -name "Domain Servers"

This command will convert the group name "Domain Servers" into the GUID format.

Convert-WSUSTargetGroup -ID "b73ca6ed-5727-47f3-84de-015e03f6a88a"

This command will convert the given GUID into a friendly name.

	DefaultParameterSetName = 'name',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 3,
            ParameterSetName = 'name',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
If ($name) {    
    Try {     
        $group = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ? {$_.Name -eq $name}
        $group | Select -ExpandProperty ID
    Catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to locate $($name)."
If ($id) {    
    Try {     
        $group = $wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ? {$_.ID -eq $id}
        $group | Select -ExpandProperty Name
    Catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to locate $($id)."

function Get-WSUSClientsInGroup {
    Retrieves a list of clients that are members of a group.
    Retrieves a list of clients that are members of a group.
    Retrieves list of clients in group by group guid.          
    Retrieves list of clients in group by group name.    
    Name: Get-WSUSClientsInGroup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Get-WSUSClientsInGroup -name "Domain Servers"

This command will list all clients that are members of the specified group via group name.

Get-WSUSClientsInGroup -ID "b73ca6ed-5727-47f3-84de-015e03f6a88a"

This command will list all clients that are members of the specified group via the group guid.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'name',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'name',            
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 3,
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
If ($id) {     
    ($wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ? {$_.Id -eq $id}).GetComputerTargets()
If ($name) {
    ($wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ? {$ -eq $name}).GetComputerTargets()

function Get-WSUSClient {
    Retrieves information about a WSUS client.
    Retrieves information about a WSUS client.
    Name of the client to search for. Accepts a partial name.
    Name: Get-WSUSClient
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Get-WSUSClient -computer "server1"

This command will search for and display all computers matching the given input. 
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'wsus',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'wsus',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'    
#Retrieve computer in WSUS
Try {      
Catch {
    Write-Error "Unable to retrieve $($computer) from database."

function New-WSUSGroup {
    Creates a new WSUS Target group.
    Creates a new WSUS Target group.
    Name of group being created.
.PARAMETER ParentGroupName
    Name of group being created.
.PARAMETER ParentGroupId
    Name of group being created.        
    Name: New-WSUSGroup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
New-WSUSGroup -name "TestGroup"

This command will create a new Target group called 'TestGroup'       
New-WSUSGroup -name "TestGroup" -parentgroupname "Domain Servers"

This command will create a new Target group called 'TestGroup' under the parent group 'Domain Servers'    
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'group',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'parentgroup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'parentgroup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
Process {
    #Determine action based on Parameter Set Name
    Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {            
        "group" {
            Write-Verbose "Creating computer group"        
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($group)) {
                #Create the computer target group
                "$($group) has been created."
        "parentgroup" {
            If ($parentgroupname) {
                #Retrieve group based off of name
                Write-Verbose "Querying for parent group"
                $parentgroup = Get-WSUSGroups | ? {$ -eq $parentgroupname}
                If (!$parentgroup) {
                    Write-Error "Parent Group name `'$parentgroupname`' does not exist in WSUS!"
            If ($parentgroupid) {
                #Retrieve group based off of guid
                Write-Verbose "Querying for parent group"
                $parentgroup = Get-WSUSGroups | ? {$ -eq $parentgroupid}
                If (!$parentgroup) {
                    Write-Error "Parent Group id `'$parentgroupid`' does not exist in WSUS!"
            Write-Verbose "Creating computer group"                
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($group)) {
                #Create the computer target group
                "$($group) has been created under $($parentgroup.Name)."

function Get-WSUSUpdate {
    Retrieves information from a wsus update.
    Retrieves information from a wsus update. Depending on how the information is presented in the search, more
    than one update may be returned. 
    String to search for. This can be any string for the update to include
    KB article numbers, name of update, category, etc... Use of wildcards (*,%) not allowed in search!
    Name: Get-WSUSUpdate
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Get-WSUSUpdate -update "Exchange"

This command will list every update that has 'Exchange' in it.
Get-WSUSUpdate -update "925474"

This command will list every update that has '925474' in it.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'wsus',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'wsus',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'    
#Retrieve computer in WSUS
Try {      
Catch {
    Write-Error "Unable to retrieve $($update) from database."

function Remove-WSUSGroup {
    Creates a new WSUS Target group.
    Creates a new WSUS Target group.
    Name of group being deleted.
    Id of group being deleted.       
    Name: Remove-WSUSGroup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Remove-WSUSGroup  -name "Domain Servers"

This command will remove the Domain Servers WSUS Target group.  
Remove-WSUSGroup  -id "fc93e74e-ba59-4593-9ff7-690af1be695f"

This command will remove the Target group with ID 'fc93e74e-ba59-4593-9ff7-690af1be695f' from WSUS.       
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'name',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'name',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
Process {
    #Determine action based on Parameter Set Name
    Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {            
        "name" {
            Write-Verbose "Querying for computer group"
            $group = Get-WSUSGroup -name $name
            If (!$group) {
                Write-Error "Group $name does not exist in WSUS!"
            Else {                               
                If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($name)) {
                    #Create the computer target group
                    "$($name) has been deleted from WSUS."
        "id" {
            Write-Verbose "Querying for computer group"
            $group = Get-WSUSGroup -id $id
            If (!$group) {
                Write-Error "Group $id does not exist in WSUS!"
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($id)) {
                #Create the computer target group
                "$($id) has been deleted from WSUS."

function Add-WSUSClientToGroup {
    Adds a computer client to an existing WSUS group.
    Adds a computer client to an existing WSUS group.
    Name of group to add client to.
    Name of computer being added to group.        
    Name: Add-WSUSClientToGroup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Add-WSUSClientToGroup -group "Domain Servers" -computer "server1"

This command will add the client "server1" to the WSUS target group "Domain Servers".       
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'group',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'group',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'group',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
#Verify Computer is in WSUS
Write-Verbose "Validating client in WSUS"
$client = Get-WSUSClient -computer $computer
If ($client) {
    #Get group object
    Write-Verbose "Retrieving group"
    $targetgroup = Get-WSUSGroup -name $group
    If (!$targetgroup) {
        Write-Error "Group $group does not exist in WSUS!"
    #Add client to group
    Write-Verbose "Adding client to group"
    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($client.fulldomainname))) {
        "$($client.FullDomainName) has been added to $($group)"
Else {
    Write-Error "Computer: $computer is not in WSUS!"

function Remove-WSUSClientFromGroup {
    Removes a computer client to an existing WSUS group.
    Removes a computer client to an existing WSUS group.
    Name of group to remove client from.
    Name of computer being removed from group.        
    Name: Remove-WSUSClientToGroup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Remove-WSUSClientFromGroup -group "Domain Servers" -computer "server1"

This command will remove the client "server1" from the WSUS target group "Domain Servers".       
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'group',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'group',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'group',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
#Verify Computer is in WSUS
$client = Get-WSUSClient -computer $computer
If ($client) {
    #Get group object
    Write-Verbose "Retrieving group"
    $targetgroup = Get-WSUSGroup -name $group
    If (!$targetgroup) {
        Write-Error "Group $group does not exist in WSUS!"
    #Remove client from group
    Write-Verbose "Removing client to group"
    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($client.fulldomainname))) {
        "$($client.fulldomainname) has been removed from $($group)"
Else {
    Write-Error "Computer: $computer is not in WSUS!"

function Get-WSUSDatabaseConfig {
    Displays the current WSUS database configuration.
    Displays the current WSUS database configuration.
    Name: Get-WSUSDatabaseConfig
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will display the configuration information for the WSUS connection to a database.       
Param () 


function Get-WSUSSubscription {
    Displays WSUS subscription information.
    Displays WSUS subscription information. You can view the next synchronization time, who last modified the schedule, etc...
    Name: Get-WSUSSubscription
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will list out the various subscription information on the WSUS server.
Param () 


function Deny-WSUSUpdate {
    Declines an update on WSUS.
    Declines an update on WSUS. Use of the -whatif is advised to be sure you are declining the right patch or patches.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Collection of update/s being declined. This must be an object, otherwise it will fail.      
    Name of update/s being declined.    
    Name: Deny-WSUSUpdate
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Get-WSUSUpdate -update "Exchange 2010" | Deny-WSUSUpdate 

This command will decline all updates with 'Exchange 2010' in its metadata.
Deny-WSUSUpdate  -Update "Exchange 2010"

This command will decline all updates with 'Exchange 2010' in its metadata.
$updates = Get-WSUSUpdate -update "Exchange 2010" 
Deny-WSUSUpdate -InputObject $updates

This command will decline all updates with 'Exchange 2010' in its metadata.   
Get-WSUSUpdate -update "Exchange 2010" | Deny-WSUSUpdate

This command will decline all updates with 'Exchange 2010' in its metadata via the pipeline.    
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'collection',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'collection',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'string',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
Process {
    Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "Collection" {
            Write-Verbose "Using 'Collection' set name"        
            #Change the collection to patches for use in loop
            $patches = $inputobject        
        "String" {
            Write-Verbose "Using 'String' set name"        
            #Gather all updates from given information
            Write-Verbose "Searching for updates"
            $patches = Get-WSUSUpdate -update $update        
    ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
        #Decline the update
        Write-Verbose "Declining update"                
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($patch.title))) {
            $patch.Decline($True) | out-null
            #Print out report of what was declined
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Patch = $patch.title
                ApprovalAction = "Declined"

function Approve-WSUSUpdate {
    Approves a WSUS update for a specific group with an optional deadline.
    Approves a WSUS update for a specific group with an optional deadline.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Update object that is being approved.    
    Name of update being approved.
    Name of group which will receive the update.       
    Optional deadline for client to install patch.
    Type of approval action to take on update. Accepted values are Install, Approve, Uninstall and NotApproved       
    Name: Approve-WSUSUpdate
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Approve-WSUSUpdate -update "KB979906" -Group "Domain Servers" -Action Install

This command will approve all updates with the KnowledgeBase number of KB979906 for the 'Domain Servers' group and
the action command of 'Install'.
Approve-WSUSUpdate -update "KB979906" -Group "Domain Servers" -Action Install -Deadline (get-Date).AddDays(3)

This command will approve all updates with the KnowledgeBase number of KB979906 for the 'Domain Servers' group and
the action command of 'Install' and sets a deadline for 3 days from when this command is run.
Get-WSUSUpdate -Update "KB979906" | Approve-WSUSUpdate -Group "Domain Servers" -Action Install

This command will take the collection of objects from the Get-WSUSUpdate command and then approve all updates for 
the 'Domain Servers' group and the action command of 'Install'.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'string',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'collection',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'string',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            [ValidateSet("Install", "All", "NotApproved","Uninstall")]
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 3,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
Begin {
    #Define the actions available
    Write-Verbose "Defining available approval actions"
    $Install = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalAction]::Install
    $All = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalAction]::All
    $NotApproved = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalAction]::NotApproved
    $Uninstall = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateApprovalAction]::Uninstall
    #Search for group specified
    Write-Verbose "Searching for group"        
    $targetgroup = Get-WSUSGroup -name $group
    If (!$targetgroup) {
        Write-Error "Group $group does not exist in WSUS!"
Process {
    #Perform appropriate action based on Parameter set name
    Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {            
        "collection" {
            Write-Verbose "Using 'Collection' set name"
            #Change the variable that will hold the objects
            $patches = $inputobject    
        "string" {
            Write-Verbose "Using 'String' set name"
            #Search for updates
            Write-Verbose "Searching for update/s"
            $patches = Get-WSUSUpdate -update $update
            If (!$patches) {
                Write-Error "Update $update could not be found in WSUS!"
    ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
        #Determine if Deadline is required
        If ($deadline) {
            Write-Verbose "Approving update with a deadline."
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($patch.title))) {
                #Create the computer target group
                $patch.Approve($action,$targetgroup,$deadline) | out-null
                #Print out report of what was approved
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Patch = $patch.title
                    TargetGroup = $group
                    ApprovalAction = $action
                    Deadline = "$($deadline)"
        Else {    
            #Approve the patch
            Write-Verbose "Approving update without a deadline."                              
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($patch.title))) {
                #Create the computer target group
                $patch.Approve($action,$targetgroup) | out-null
                #Print out report of what was approved
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Patch = $patch.title
                    TargetGroup = $group
                    ApprovalAction = $action

function Get-WSUSGroup {
    Retrieves specific WSUS target group.
    Retrieves specific WSUS target group.
    Name of group to search for. No wildcards allowed. 
    GUID of group to search for. No wildcards allowed.       
    Name: Get-WSUSGroups
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Get-WSUSGroup -name "Domain Servers"

This command will search for the group and display the information for Domain Servers"

Get-WSUSGroup -ID "0b5ba818-021e-4238-8098-7245b0f90557"

This command will search for the group and display the information for the WSUS 
group guid 0b5ba818-021e-4238-8098-7245b0f90557"
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'name',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'name',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
    "name" {$wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ? {$ -eq $name}}
    "id"   {$wsus.GetComputerTargetGroups() | ? {$ -eq $id}}

function Remove-WSUSUpdate {
    Removes an update on WSUS.
    Removes an update on WSUS. Use of the -whatif is advised to be sure you are declining the right patch or patches.
    Name of update being removed.       
    Name: Remove-WSUSUpdate
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Remove-WSUSUpdate -update "KB986569"

This command will remove all instances of KB986569 from WSUS.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'update',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'update',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
Begin {
    #Gather all updates from given information
    Write-Verbose "Searching for updates"
    $patches = Get-WSUSUpdate -update $update
Process {
    ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
        #Storing update guid
        $guid = ($              
        If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($patch.title))) {
            "$($patch.title) has been deleted from WSUS"

function Stop-WSUSDownloads {
    Cancels all current WSUS downloads.
    Cancels all current WSUS downloads.      
    Name: Stop-WSUSDownloads
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will stop all updates being downloaded to the WSUS server.
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'update',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
#Cancel all downloads running on WSUS       
If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {
    "Downloads have been cancelled."

function Resume-WSUSDownloads {
    Resumes all current WSUS downloads.
    Resumes all current WSUS downloads that had been cancelled.
    Name: Resume-WSUSDownloads
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will resume the downloading of updates to the WSUS server. 
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'update',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
#Cancel all downloads running on WSUS       
If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {
    "Downloads have been resumed."

function Stop-WSUSUpdateDownload {
    Stops update download after approval.
    Stops update download after approval.
    Name of update to cancel download.       
    Name: Stop-WSUSUpdateDownload
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Stop-WSUSUpdateDownload -update "KB965896"

This command will cancel the download of update KB956896.       
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'update',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'update',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
Begin {
    #Gather all updates from given information
    Write-Verbose "Searching for updates"
    $patches = Get-WSUSUpdate -update $update
Process {
    If ($patches) {
        ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
            Write-Verbose "Cancelling update download"                
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($patch.title))) {
                "$($patch.title) download has been cancelled."
    Else {
        Write-Warning "No patches found that need downloading cancelled."

function Resume-WSUSUpdateDownload {
    Resumes previously cancelled update download after approval.
    Resumes previously cancelled update download after approval.
    Name of cancelled update download to resume download.       
    Name: Resume-WSUSUpdateDownload
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 
Resume-WSUSUpdateDownload -update "KB965896"

This command will resume the download of update KB956896 that was previously cancelled.       
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'update',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'update',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
Begin {
    #Gather all updates from given information
    Write-Verbose "Searching for updates"
    $patches = Get-WSUSUpdate -update $update
Process {
    If ($patches) {
        ForEach ($patch in $patches) {
            Write-Verbose "Resuming update download"                
            If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($patch.title))) {
                "$($patch.title) download has been resumed."
    Else {
        Write-Warning "No patches found needing to resume download!"

function Start-WSUSCleanup {
    Performs a cleanup on WSUS based on user inputs.
    Performs a cleanup on WSUS based on user inputs.
.PARAMETER DeclineSupersededUpdates
    Declined Superseded Updates will be removed.
.PARAMETER DeclineExpiredUpdates
    Expired updates should be declined.
.PARAMETER CleanupObsoleteUpdates
    Delete obsolete updates from the database.
.PARAMETER CompressUpdates
    Obsolete revisions to updates should be deleted from the database.
.PARAMETER CleanupObsoleteComputers
    Delete obsolete computers from the database.
.PARAMETER CleanupUnneededContentFiles 
    Delete unneeded update files.   
    Name: Start-WSUSCleanup
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010            
Start-WSUSCleanup -CompressUpdates -CleanupObsoleteComputers

This command will run the WSUS cleanup wizard and delete obsolete computers from the database and delete obsolete update 
revisions from the database.  
Start-WSUSCleanup -CompressUpdates -CleanupObsoleteComputers -DeclineExpiredUpdates -CleanupObsoleteUpdates -CleanupUnneededContentFiles 

This command performs a full WSUS cleanup against the database.      
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 2,
            ParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 3,
            ParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 4,
            ParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
            Mandatory = $False,
            Position = 5,
            ParameterSetName = 'cleanup',
            ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
Begin {            
    #Create cleanup scope
    $cleanScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CleanupScope
    #Create cleanup manager object
    $cleanup = $wsus.GetCleanupManager()

    #Determine what will be in the scope
    If ($DeclineSupersededUpdates) {
        $cleanScope.DeclineSupersededUpdates = $True
    If ($DeclineExpiredUpdates) {
        $cleanScope.DeclineExpiredUpdates = $True
    If ($CleanupObsoleteUpdates) {
        $cleanScope.CleanupObsoleteUpdates = $True
    If ($CompressUpdates) {
        $cleanScope.CompressUpdates = $True
    If ($CleanupObsoleteComputers) {
        $cleanScope.CleanupObsoleteComputers = $True
    If ($CleanupUnneededContentFiles) {
        $cleanScope.CleanupUnneededContentFiles = $True
Process {
    Write-Host "Beginning cleanup"                
    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($ {


function Get-WSUSChildServers {
    Retrieves all WSUS child servers.
    Retrieves all WSUS child servers.
    Name: Get-WSUSChildServers
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will display all of the Child WSUS servers.
Param () 
#Gather all child servers in WSUS    

function Get-WSUSDownstreamServers {
    Retrieves all WSUS downstream servers.
    Retrieves all WSUS downstream servers.
    Name: Get-WSUSDownstreamServers
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will display a list of all of the downstream WSUS servers.
Param () 
#Gather all child servers in WSUS    

function Get-WSUSContentDownloadProgress {
    Retrieves the progress of currently downloading updates. Displayed in bytes downloaded.
    Retrieves the progress of currently downloading updates. Displayed in bytes downloaded.
    Runs a background job to monitor currently running content download and notifies user when completed.    
    Name: Get-WSUSContentDownloadProgress
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 24SEPT2010 

This command will display the current progress of the content download.
Get-WSUSContentDownloadProgress -monitor

This command will create a background job that will monitor the progress and alert the user via pop-up message that
the download has been completed.
Param (
        Mandatory = $False,
        Position = 0,
        ParameterSetName = 'monitor',
        ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
If ($monitor) {
    #Stop and remove same jobs if existing
        $job = Get-Job
    If ($job) {
        $job = Get-Job -Name "WSUSSyncProgressMonitor"
    If ($job) {
        Get-Job -Name "WSUSContentProgressMonitor" | Stop-Job
        Get-Job -Name "WSUSContentProgressMonitor" | Remove-Job
    Start-Job -Name "WSUSContentProgressMonitor" -ArgumentList $wsus -ScriptBlock {
        Param (
        #Load required assemblies for message window    
        [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“System.Windows.Forms”)            
        $progress = $wsus.GetContentDownloadProgress()            
        While ($progress.TotalBytesToDownload -ne $progress.DownloadedBytes) {
        [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Content download has been completed on WSUS",”Information”)            
        } | Out-Null 
Else {
    #Gather all child servers in WSUS    

function Remove-WSUSClient {
    Removes client from WSUS.
    Removes client from WSUS.
    Name of the client to remove from WSUS.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Computer object that is being removed.     
    Name: Remove-WSUSClient
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 12NOV2010 
Remove-WSUSClient -computer "server1"

This command will remove 'server1' from WSUS. 
Get-WSUSClient -computer "server1" | Remove-WSUSClient

This command will remove 'server1' from WSUS. 
Get-WSUSClient -computer "servers" | % {Remove-WSUSClient -inputobject $_}

This command will remove multiple servers from WSUS. 
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'collection',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True    
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'string',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'collection',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
$ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' 
Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {        
   "string" {
        Write-Verbose "String parameter"
        #Retrieve computer in WSUS
        Try { 
            Write-Verbose "Searching for computer"     
            $client = $wsus.SearchComputerTargets($computer)
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to retrieve $($computer) from database."
    "Collection" {
        Write-Verbose "Collection parameter"
        $client = $inputobject
#Remove client from WSUS
If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($computer)) {
    Try {
        Write-Verbose "Removing computer from WSUS"
        $client | % -process {$_.Delete()}
        Write-Host -fore Green "$($Client.FullDomainName) removed from WSUS"
    Catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to remove $($client.fulldomainname) from WSUS."

function Get-WSUSClientGroupMembership {
    Lists all Target Groups that a client is a member of in WSUS.
    Lists all Target Groups that a client is a member of in WSUS.
    Name of the client to check group membership.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Computer object being used to check group membership.     
    Name: Get-WSUSClientGroupMembership
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 12NOV2010 
Get-WSUSClientGroupMembership -computer "server1"

This command will retrieve the group membership/s of 'server1'. 
Get-WSUSClient -computer "server1" | Get-WSUSClientGroupMembership

This command will retrieve the group membership/s of 'server1'. 
Get-WSUSClient -computer "servers" | % {Get-WSUSClientGroupMembership -inputobject $_}

This command will retrieve the group membership/s of each server. 
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'collection',
	ConfirmImpact = 'low',
    SupportsShouldProcess = $True    
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'string',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'collection',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
$ErrorActionPreference = 'continue' 
Switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {        
   "string" {
        Write-Verbose "String parameter"
        #Retrieve computer in WSUS
        Try { 
            Write-Verbose "Searching for computer"     
            $client = $wsus.SearchComputerTargets($computer)
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to retrieve $($computer) from database."
    "Collection" {
        Write-Verbose "Collection parameter"
        $client = $inputobject
#List group membership of client
$client | % -process {$_.GetComputerTargetGroups()}
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25 Responses to WSUS Administrator Module

  1. Trying to run this on my WSUS server (Server 2012 R2) and it won’t connect no matter what server name I give it…

    Any thoughts! I am desperately trying to cancel some downloads that cause the WSUS MMC console to crash when I try to cancel the downloads there.

  2. Doug says:

    Is there any way to reset updates that have been approved to not approved using this? I’ve seen a blanket decline option but nothing that gives a “un-approve updates for group/collection B only”

  3. Christian Luna says:

    Does anyone know how can I change the target group of results? I mean, all results that I obtaine with Posh WSUS , just showing for an specific group and I want all computers. I will really appreciate your help…

  4. Al says:

    I have been using this module for years now and its a pretty neat and useful too. Thanks for your effort and time and sharing this.

    Boe, I am trying to schedule a report that would show that same report for ‘Computer Tabular Status Report for Approved Updates’ but I can not seem to figure out as the result is always the same to just ”Computer Tabular Status Report”. When time permits, can you help check and let me know the right combination to get the right output? Thanks a lot!

    Here is my code:

    Import-Module “D:\PoshWSUS”
    $WSUSServer = Connect-PoshWSUSServer -WsusServer “WSUSServer” -Port 8530
    $Result = $Null; $Result = @()
    $FQDNs = Get-PoshWSUSClientsInGroup -Name “Test Group” | % {$.FullDomainName}
    Foreach ($FQDN in $FQDNs){
    $ComputerScope = New-poshWSUSComputerScope -NameIncludes $FQDN.split(“.”)[0]
    $UpdateScope = New-poshWSUSUpdateScope -ApprovedStates Any -UpdateApprovalActions Install -IncludedInstallationStates All
    $Result += Get-PoshWSUSUpdateSummaryPerClient -ComputerScope $ComputerScope -UpdateScope $UpdateScope
    $Result | Sort Computer | Select Computer,@{n=’Needed’;e={$
    .NeededCount}},InstalledCount,NotApplicableCount,@{n='InstalledAndNotApplicable';e={$_.InstalledCount + $_.NotApplicableCount}},UnknownCount,FailedCount,
    @{n=’PendingReboot’;e={$_.InstalledPendingRebootCount}},DownloadedCount,LastUpdated | ft -auto

  5. Ellis Hillinger says:

    An interesting and promising article for some broken WSUS systems I’m working with. Do you know where I can locate a copy of the module that contains these commands (wsusadmin-module.psm1) for WSUS 3.0 SP2? All references I can find point me to PoshWSUS, which has different commands and syntax.


  6. Pingback: WSUS Administrator Module – Aus der IT – Praxis…

  7. Joseph Alves says:

    I work at a datacenter and it works great for one of my customers but for another when I do connect-poshwsusserver computername I get error Unable to connect to computername!

    I haven’t found any useful help articles online.

  8. Pingback: Installing and Configuring WSUS with Powershell | smsagent

  9. zvonko says:

    Well done.
    Could you tell me if there is any way to get wsus update with parametar of approval/decline date/time?

    Thank you

  10. PK says:

    Loved it. Very useful.Thanks!

  11. Pingback: PoshWSUS on Codeplex | Server Ninjas

  12. Michael says:


    very nice and useful module ! excellent job 🙂
    quick idea/suggestion if you are interested in…
    Could be useful to check the approval status per KB to know in which WSUS groups the KB has been approved or not…
    let me know your thoughts

  13. gandalf says:

    Some problems with ”
    Get-Wsusclientgroupmembership -Computer “$servername” ”
    If the servename is identical with some characters you get to much information/groups from all server.
    Servername is a)serverastest and b)serverastest2.msds.insite
    First you get all information for both server.
    If you set $servername=servertest2.msds.insite you got only the information about this server.

    I think the function doesn’t search the servername. The function works with wildcards as a string and not with the correct servername…

    Can you help me for a better version, please.

  14. Pingback: WSUS and Powershell « The Wonders Never Cease

  15. Pingback: Some cool PowerShell modules | Dalle & DXter

  16. Pingback: Episode 133 – Shane Hoey in Australia is Paging Dr. Scripto « PowerScripting Podcast

  17. Truly amazing site ! Have a look at it !

  18. Trevor Sullivan says:

    I’d recommend splitting this module up into different source files. The main module file could be the “installer” for it, referencing the “real” source files using dot-sourcing.

    I used this method in the current module I’m working on, and it works great. Besides making module maintenance easier, it also adds a level of professionalism to the module, rather than sticking everything inside a single file.

    Trevor Sullivan (@pcgeek86)

  19. Wow looks promising, I will definitely give it a try.

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